It's a good fan mission. I feel like the author's "Lord Edmund Entertains" was a bit better in terms of gameplay and story, but "The Vigil" is a solid creation that will keep you entertained for some time. Even though there are no ambient loops (room brushes are correctly set) in most places, the silence felt appropriate. In the first part of the level, we explore the burial grounds where Duke Creygan and his ancestors are buried. There are also two interesting puzzles to solve. The second part of the level features the escape from Duke Creygan's crypt (Garrett was accidentally locked inside!) through the sewers, the Hammerite area, and the town streets filled with the City Watch. These locations are rather linear and they are not impresive in terms of design, but there was nothing terrible about them, either. All in all, this is a very nice fan mission.
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