5 minute Wonders City Hammerite Miscellaneous Buildings Relic/Artifact/Talisman Small/Short
Ivar Holand Misje Author
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Or navigating a child's mind. It strongly reminded me of kids drawings. Here's sort of a city street. Here's sort of a Hammerite temple. Here's a bridge. A waterfall. A bakery. And all of that is extremely crude in innocent kind of way, which is adorable. Yet, as a mission, it's barely playable. No sense of space or structure. Extremely buggy a...
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This is another mission which I feel bad critiquing. It's clearly made by someone very young (The text is practically written in UWU speak). However by now, we have moved past the point in the timeline where I would look at something like this and say "bold new territory" or "heroic attempt at something new", so really I am left with only one s...
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