The enterprise is a mission which I am deeply familiar with. I actually used to speedrun the the T2 version as part of it's series. Seeing this earlier copy of it was extremely interesting.
The enterprise is about Garrett breaking into, and robbing an evil buisness that designs, builds, and sells, torture devices. As I have already stated in the title, the enterprise is ridiculously grim to the stage of being comical. The mission is ultimately a bit of a keyhunt, but it's the acceptable kind, where the key is well telegraphed, and reaching it is the challenge rather than working out what desk it's fallen under, or which dark pit full of spiders and sweels it's in.
It is in places atmospheric, a bit derpy in it's sheer vileness, and gameplay wise, it plays pretty great, though it's nothing revolutionary.
That said, I can't usually finish this mission, because it crashes constantly. I don't know why, but one side of the building will crash if I see it, or get too close. If thief is the first thing I launch on my PC, it won't happen, but if thief is not the first thing I want to play in the morning, it will. These crashes are consistant, and leave me unable to access critical parts of the mission. This alone forces me to recommend skipping this, and finding the T2, or campaign versions instead. Note that my ratings, as always, ignore issues like this, as I can't garantee this isn't a "me" problem.
In general, I actually do feel this version is stronger than the T2 version in atmosphere, T1 was always had a better, more consistant "feel" than T2, though this is mostly a matter of taste. The only major change that I can recall, is the intro sequence at the start of the mission, which is actually rather cool and unique, though obviously unnecessary in the context of a multi-mission campaign.
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star 6 / 10
oh my god did you get the hallway that murders your game too
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