Beasts Cave/Natural Tunnels Escape Forced Ghosting Hardest Mansion/Estate Pagan Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Relic/Artifact/Talisman Surreal/Bizarre
This mission is set just after the events of Thief 1. Lord Morego is one of the more reclusive of the city's nobility. He's rich, but he's never had any one item valuable enough to be worth the ris... Read more
nicked (Nick Dablin)
This mission is set just after the events of Thief 1. Lord Morego is one of the more reclusive of the city's nobility. He's rich, but he's never had any one item valuable enough to be worth the risk of robbing him. This is all about to change, because word on the underground tells me he'll shortly be receiving a mysterious book from sources abroad. There are wild rumours it's a pagan magic book bound in human skin, but I've not heard anything concrete. The item must be phenomenally valuable though, because it's being transported with an escort of armed guards. I'm no highwayman, so my best chance will be after the book has arrived. This may also pose a problem, because the paranoid Lord Morego is having a brand new vault constructed underneath his house, using new Mechanist technology. It seems some inside information couldn't hurt, so I'll be casing the joint before the vault is finished, to try and get some tips on how to break in. Once I've figured out the best way to get in, I'll make my plans for the night Lord Morego is throwing a party for the city's nobility...
star 7.94
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