Melan (Gabor Lux)
Today, my contact Marchand has brought me news of a lucrative opportunity. Turns out there is a man living on Fauchard Street named Lendermann. His business is credit, but long gone are the days when he was just one of the usurers plying their trade in the poor districts of the City. Lendermann has risen in the world, and fancies himself a creditor for merchants, even nobility.
His house, once a ramshackle place close to a factory, has been refurbished with precious materials and furniture to prove once and for all he has made it. And his latest acquisition, a pouchful of opals, is too valuable not to attract attention sooner or later. Indeed, it is time to pay him a visit.
Lendermann knows this as well, and he has reputedly hired new guards to watch his place day and night. A frontal approach will be complicated, maybe even impossible. But every house has multiple ways in - and where the front door does not yield to a talented thief, another surely will. I will have to be careful, since I have very little equipment, and have even misplaced my rope arrows in the commotion of the tavern.
But this will have to be a quick job, since who knows how long it takes for the news to spread through the underworld, and how soon someone else seizes my opportunity - or stalks me to deprive me of my winnings on the way home... Marchand, reliable as he is, has a crucial flaw: for the life of him, he cannot keep his mouth shut. Better let him brag of a successful heist than a missed opportunity.
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