AI Battle/Battle Arena/Combat Beasts Castle/Fortress Cave/Natural Tunnels Mines/Man-made Tunnel Non-Garrett Player Novelty/Experimental Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Rescue
Welcome to the north of Faerûn, adventurer! After weeks of marching through the icy north you’ve finally reached your destination – the Ten Towns. Your journey led you from Easthaven past Bryn Sh... Read more
Intruder (Steffen Lehnert)
Welcome to the north of Faerûn, adventurer!
After weeks of marching through the icy north you’ve finally reached your destination –
the Ten Towns. Your journey led you from Easthaven past Bryn Shander to
Caer-Dineval. When you reached the small town, news of strange events in this area
awaited you. People spoke of vanished caravans and ambushes on the Icewind Pass, hordes
of Goblins and marauding Frost Giants. Contact to the Glitterstone Mine has been lost
several weeks ago and there is no trace of all the mineworkers. Hrothgar, the protector
of Easthaven, sent out a small expedition to the mine, but they never returned either.
As you listen to these stories inside the warm tavern, told by warriors and merchants,
you decide to investigate the matter on your own. On the next morning, you stow your
belongings and head towards the Glitterstone Mine. After 2 days of walking you finally
reach the abandoned camp of the mineworkers and you approach carefully, not knowing
what will await you….
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