AI Battle/Battle Arena/Combat Beasts City Watch Hammerite Mechanist Novelty/Experimental Pagan Undead
The factions of The City often resolve their bitter conflicts with senseless bloodshed at the expense of innocents. What if they could settle their differences with a nice game of chess instead? Th... Read more
kdau (Kevin Daughtridge)
The factions of The City often resolve their bitter conflicts with senseless bloodshed at the expense of innocents. What if they could settle their differences with a nice game of chess instead? This FM is a real, playable computer chess game, set in the Thief world with appropriate AI pieces in three different battle scenarios. The Fruit 2.1 chess engine determines the computer player's moves.
The City vs. Blackbrook
This is the final, decisive conflict of the two powers' long-running war, fought on a misty rural battlefield.
Hammerites vs. Undead
The Old Quarter is secure, but now the Order must retake another necromancy-infested temple on a snowy night.
Pagans vs. Mechanists
In this alternate history, Viktoria managed to resurrect Constantine, allowing the Pagans to hold their own against the Mechanists in their rainy forest home.
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