In The Black Parade you play the character of Hume, a hardened criminal who was sent into exile as a punishment for his crimes. The year is 833, you are now back in The City, a sprawling metropolis...
In T2X you will take on the role of Zaya, a female merchant sailor, who is undertaking her very first visit to The City in order to trade and meet her cousin who she has not seen since she was a ch...
I was minding my own business in the local alehouse when three seedy-looking fellows hidden in the dark caught my attention. I crept on them during their conversation and, by carefully listening to...
It's about time I visited an old friend of mine.
I received a letter from Wendolyn who used to run with Basso and me back in the old days. She's been lying low for the past few years, running a...
"There was a time when thieves and murderers strived as darkness ruled;
The heathens slept, dreaming their heretical way of life would last forever.
But then came the Master Builder, and with Him...
My fence claims that, after years of searching,
some eccentric old coot struck upon a way into Craggenmense,
that sunken gash in the mountains up north.
The whispers of riches from this ancient ...
Lord Guldenberg might just be the wealthiest man in this part of
Hightowne. He's engaged in an ongoing competition with the other
nobles in this area, his two biggest rivals being Lord Ravenhurst...
A few months have passed since Garrett helped Basso and Jenivere escape together. They are now happily married and have settled down in a small town close to the city: East Fording, where Basso dec...