Nestled between Auldale and Dayport lies the Silversmoke district. Aptly named for its curious mixture of nobility and industry, Silversmoke rests in the shadow of St. Ives, a towering Hammerite ca...
I've recently been contacted by a local business man who is having some trouble with one of his competitors. From what he's told me it seems like he wants me to find out information about his busin...
"And gorg'd we on their meatsie bits, sated we our hunger.
And swallow'd we on their hot bloods, slaked we our thyrst.
And ravish'd we their buxom women, pleased we our needes.
With their pains ...
-Viktoria's plan required too much luck;
Garrett was obviously unable to stop Karras with it.
Afterwards, he scoured many Mechanist churches for information,
and learned of a tunnel Karras had b...
It's been a few months since Constantine's attack, but it seems The City is slowly
returning to normal. Unfortunately, that also means my landlord is back to
constantly reminding me about the r...
"Lord Pless, a rich and influential noble is out of his little castle for few days.
He recently aquired an ancient artifact called Horn of Cobbletons, a very valuable instrument previously
Scorpio has been given a task by his friend Dimitrios Panos. Dimitrios wants him to go to the old city, located deep beneath the ground.
There, Scorpio is to find ingredients that can cure the dis...
Garrett received a letter from his old friend Timan.
Something Timan wrote knocked Garrett a little off balance, and set him thinking.
He claimed that Garrett has a sister named Ula.
Can it real...
An associate of mine informed me that local merchant just had his hands on new invention. Prototype of lenses that enhance Watcher's abilities somehow and detailed schematics that can be used to pr...
It’s not often I get such a good tip from idle gossip.
For weeks I heard rumours that the run-down southern town of Navenvolk was awash with fears of an imminent crisis. I didn’t pay them much at...
You are hired by a clan chef to solve some delicate matters that can only be handled by your Thief skills. This time you have a mission in France, a territory not yet conquered by the Engish peopl...
This mission takes place between the events of Thief 1 and Thief 2.
"I've heard a rumor about a very valuable coin that a travelling collector brought to
the city. It was said to be on exhibiti...
Garrett was on his way to a friend in old Quarter when he passing this little town. He heard a couple on the street talking about a rare and valuable ring. It belongs to Sheriff Argus. He has a man...
The story follows the events in 'Unexpected Detour'. Garrett finally reaches the other side of the mountains and is closer to finding the Trickster temple.