After 4 years of instruction under the ever watchful Keeper training instructors, you are finally ready to graduate from the Field Agent Academy.
All that awaits you is the final exams, however ...
This mission takes place in a maze with many water-vators. The goal is to find the five Dragon Stones and then get out.
It was churned out in a matter of days and is far from polished, but given...
Events take place after Thief2.
First in-mission briefing:
With the Trickster rotting
in his shallow grave
His blood lives yet contained
within fleshy woe
Greed lead sorrow...
These days you are taking far more testing jobs for the extra cash, and as such need all the luck you can lay your light fingers upon. A recent trip to the museum archives - in the hope of locating...
Hindered by financial troubles Garrett has chosen to take up larceny once again.
During one of his recent robberies, fate made it that Garrett met an older, yet less skillful thief named Dupont ...
Calendra's Legacy begins immediately after the Cistern ends...the very same night as a matter of fact.
Garrett is restless. He stirs in his sleep. The Cylix of Jortul gleams in the gush of pre...
You are at the Northern Dock, across the river from the city, you are in a Keeper owned shoppe, the
owner a Zax Marler has gone off to buy ticket's to get you back to the city, you are tired, and ...
"There are cords in the hearts of the most reckless, which
cannot be touched without emotion. Even with the utterly
lost, to whom life and death are equally jests, there are
Life never seems dull around my neighborhood. I had just spent part of my savings on a magical sword called the Masamune. It's supposed to be a Holy Sword of legend... well that's not what I'm in...
After escaping from the Trials of the Master Keeper, I thought that I should
visit my friend Ybynwan. I wanted to learn more about Keeper technology, what Ybynwan calls, "Magic". In my line of wor...
A few days ago Ryalla "aquired" some goods from a warehouse, among them several artifacts belonging to the owner of the local carnival. She planned on selling them off to the highest bidder, as she...
Some days you just feel lucky. A local fence told me some homeless guy stumbled on something very interesting. From the sound of it, the bum found an entrance to a Keeper facility. Standard practic...
I've been hired to retrieve four ancient Talismans for a rich collector, Lord
Turell. The Talismans are buried in a Tomb underneath the graveyard in an
abandoned part of the city. Should be eas...
A sequel to 'Lord Edmund Entertains!', this mission takes Garrett gatecrashing into Duke Creygan's funeral. It is recommended you play LEE! first, or you won't understand too much of the plot.
Times are hard. The incident in Peteroski did not help. I should have known better than to trust Iron, but he paid for it. The unfortunate side effect is that I am here, in this village of Winterhe...