This FM is only for practicing sound alerts. It provides all main surfaces and BLIND guards (they cannot see you!) so you can focus on sound. Each main room is divided into two rooms - one with a w...
This is a demo about to build up a PERMANENT shop in game.
The meaning of Permanent is:
Every object purchasable is immortal, doesn't vanish when the player frob it, so if we create a method (...
The rent is due in two days and I've already been late twice, so I don't want to deal with my "landlord" if I'm late again. I also somehow lost my sword, God knows how that happened, but I've mana...
This mission was created to show you how to make a "drop item in a certian spot"
objective using Sources and Receptrons and QVAR Traps. There might be other ways,
maybe even better ones, but it ...
A demo mission created by pbucko that demonstrates how to use BoundsTriggers. Bound.txt contains a tutorial that discusses BoundsTriggers and their use (aimed at Thief2, but should work in Thief1).
I finally got the conversations working, and my friends popped in to make some speech.
This is what resulted. I'm planning to make this the beginning of my level (if I ever
have time to finish i...
This is a fragment of The Thieves' Guild, the first new mission in Thief Gold. This demo gives you access to the restaurant and casino, but not the guild itself.