Nestled between Auldale and Dayport lies the Silversmoke district. Aptly named for its curious mixture of nobility and industry, Silversmoke rests in the shadow of St. Ives, a towering Hammerite ca...
In DCE, you’ll hear a familiar tale. It’s a story that we’ve all heard before, but will hopefully feel fresh as it’s told through the dark world of Thief. You’ll sneak through a snow covered city, ...
As a thief with a reputation for success, it's easy to bite off more than I can chew. Over the years I've received more job offers than I could possibly complete and, as age has become less shy in ...
I was approached by Shylock, a fence I often use, with a story about his father. It seems that a few weeks ago, a squad of the Baron’s Imperial Guard broke into his house in the middle of the night...
In the time of unreckoning
Did the ground not gape?
Did the void not reveal our peril?
And did we not cry out in dismay?
Waste not thy breath in vain laments
But steel thy nerves for the tas...
There has been a recent outbreak of undead in the city. Talim is overrun.
In an effort to contain the contagion, all exits to the city have been sealed off.
Only one remains.
You, a seasoned ...
I lost everything.
My parents, my friends, my home. Everything.
I fled Talim with nothing but this cursed book. It’s worthless. The pages are completely blank. My father died for nothing, it seem...
I just paid the rent on time so, in celebration, I decided to take the night off and enjoy a nice bottle by the hearth. As usual, for a thief such as myself, such pleasures are seldom accomplished,...
You're bored. Kill 2 guards, one in the start rooom and one by the fountain behind the "Ring of Vlad" gate, and then find & steal 2000 loot, plus a few more things you may find along the way, liste...
Talim. In the old toungue that means, "Where water meets sky." This very spot was the first place that explorers from inland saw the ocean. My parents brought me here when I was still very little. ...
You are a traveler named Alex. You received a letter from your brother. He tells you that his daughter, Christine is very ill. The letter is simple.
She sleeps restlessly, tossing and turning. It...