§ Forward §
Greetings, SlyFoxx here.
I've just returned from a long night's work and I've got to say my feet are sore.
I've stolen from gods, nobles, vagabonds and thieves.
I've travelled...
The Trickster is dead. The world has been saved from his evil. And yet strangely I have grown darker these
past weeks. But Why? Comfort from old wine cellars has been easy enough to find, and loo...
A kid came to my house this evening:
- Mister Garrett? I've got a message for you: "Come to St. Orbis cemetery before sunrise. You won't regret it."
- Who told you that? - I was curious.
- Mr Gr...
You've met your old friend Willick at the Rotting Carcass for a pint and some light discussion, when talk turns to your recent adventure trying to recover an artifact from the upper floor of an aba...
The Mechanists are in confusion. Many of them turned back to the Hammer religion, many passed through a mystic crisis. But once more something is moving. A scientist with a new progressive thinking...
Note: This mission takes place a FEW DAYS BEFORE the end of the metal age.
The story:
Since you were involved in Victoria's plot, things are going to be harder for you. The...
John's love story concludes... you have the heart box of chocolates and the diamond. Contributions should be placed on the altar so make sure you do that when you enter the temple. Now it is time t...
John's love story continues... you have been asked to find a book of love stories to aid John's quest for true love. One such book exists at the blank compound. Getting into the compound will be re...