This mission takes place after Garrett has left the Keepers, but before the main events of the game. This is relatively important for the plot.
"I try not to involve myself with the Hammers, but ...
You have found yourself in the clutches of the Hammers.
(Thanks to the help of Ramirez).You think he may still be alittle sore about
the trip to his house. And has seen to it that you
A Lord Brighton has recruited some defected Hammers and Guardsmen to steal and plunder for themselves. You need to show him he really is not in your league and take him and his buddies out of the b...
I was contacted by a wizened, grey haired gent who asked me to procure a book for him. Not just any book, he said, but a powerful occult tome called the Necronomicon, by one Abdul Alhazred. He sa...
You overheard a conversation by a drunken Sergeant in the Stags Head a few nights back.
He ran his mouth about some underground workings believed to be mythical and supposedly made by Craymen. Al...
Constantin is back! (Even though you killed him last time...) He has retrieved The Eye once again, and his evil plans are still the same. From the information you got, you've located in a Hammer ca...
While looting the lost temple of Seth, you came across an ancient
text describing a holy sword of the undead burried within a sacred
tomb. The tomb was magicaly sealed wi...
After your success at the Monastery, you have been offered ten times the amount to acquire the Evening Stone.
Unfortunately, you don't have the first idea where the stone is. However, as you disco...
An older part of the city near the docks, your map is out of date, having been scrounged out of the city museum. Normally, you wouldn't be able to get into this part of the city as it is usually he...
A rich merchant is currently in business with Hammerits.He owns an old rosary and is trying to get a good deal out of it.
Tonight, the merchant will be sleeping at the Hammerit’s temple, leaving t...
Me first effort...a small-medium sized level with various elements and surprises. Feedback of all kinds is welcome, either by email or in the Editor's Guild Forum. I'm considering working on an ....
It has come to your attention that a very valuable gem, the Morning Stone is being kept in a nearby Hammer monastery. The stone is reputed to be magical but what matters is that it will command a h...
I met a fellow named Warren last night who had an interesting story. A month ago, he was excommunicated from the Hammerite order. Being removed from the only element he knew all his life, he has be...
Your repute is getting better and better, and so you weren't surprised, when you got a letter from a man who belongs to the most rich and powerful people in the town. It invites you into the Lord H...