This is the story about the fate of my family. My uncle, Ralph Mac Roberts, is the baron of a keep nestled
deep within the Rahenaen marshes.
It was once an important outpost tasked with guardin...
As a thief with a reputation for success, it's easy to bite off more than I can chew. Over the years I've received more job offers than I could possibly complete and, as age has become less shy in ...
Shortly after the events in Trail of Blood:
Viktoria and Garrett are planning their next steps, as all contact with several pagan settlements in
the northern forest has been lost. Viktoria is afr...
Welcome to Port Aerinth, a small, wealthy, and powerful harbor town. Its inhabitants abandoned it after some still unknown tragedy struck there, but rumor has it that in their terror they left behi...
Garrett my good man!
A small blessing has fallen in my lap! Well, not exactly fallen, more like been plucked from someone else's lap.
But perhaps I should start at the beginning. As you k...
You awake from a shallow grave, you have foggy memories at best but it seems as though somebody has tried to do you in but failed. You're in a strange swamp with no idea of how you got here or whe...
The keepers have once again intruded on your property. They have the same old excuses: great danger approaching, must restore the balance, something about total disaster. Nothing out of the ordinar...