A nobleman in town is rumored to own The Hand of Glory, in addition to a fairly large amount of valuable items locked away in his house. The rent is due, and Garrett is on the prowl. The weather is...
This story takes place between Thief Gold and Thief 2, while the emergent City Watch, lead by Truart, is raiding criminal organizations in order to take control of the City's black market.
Lord ...
You are a traveler named Alex. You received a letter from your brother. He tells you that his daughter, Christine is very ill. The letter is simple.
She sleeps restlessly, tossing and turning. It...
There is this ancient mask, which is currently kept in the Serge Bank. You know some people who will pay much for it. So you decided to steal the mask. It is kept somewhere in a safe room. But they...
Sheriff Truart has begun his personal vendetta against the City's crime element and I'm on the top of his Most Wanted list. Jobs have been scarce - although most of the fences would gladly offer me...
The Trickster is dead. The world has been saved from his evil. And yet strangely I have grown darker these
past weeks. But Why? Comfort from old wine cellars has been easy enough to find, and loo...
When not long ago I travelled on the road to ... via the Rogokir Pass, I discovered a chasm in the ground which had opened behind the first embankment. This had to be the result of a little earthqu...
I had a visit from an old guy called Marquez a couple of nights ago. A collector of rare artefacts; he had a proposition for me. A radical sect of Hammerites had recently moved back into a long aba...
This is a semi sequel to ‘Ack, There is a zombie in the basement’. The mission is part of my ongoing ‘Small thief series’. Please let me know if you encounter any problems when playing.
Welcome to Thief2X - Shadows of the Metal Age. T2X is an unofficial expansion of the game Thief2 - The Metal Age by Looking Glass Studios. In T2X you will take on the role of Zaya, a female merchan...
Some guys enjoy heisting rare and exotic trinkets
just to sell to an aristocrat that they'll probable
be stealing from the next week. I prefer to avoid
all that tedium and take their cash dir...
The Hammerites recently found out that their precious Builder's Chisel is missing.
They found out that it was stolen by an organized thief named Jacob. The funny thing is,
they want YOU to help t...
The Trickster is dead. The world has been saved from his evil. And yet strangely I have grown darker these past weeks. But Why? Comfort from old wine cellars has been easy enough to find, and loot ...
Lady Monroe has asked you to obtain the Elixir of Silence for her. What she wants to do with it is her business. For keeping this transaction a secret you will receive extra payment. You just need ...