I was drinking with a friend tonight. He had a little too much, and started talking. It turns out he overheard an argument through his apartment window. A group of three second rate nobles stole an...
The last thing you remember, you were on your way home from the Crippled Burrick after enjoying a bowl of stew. Two men approached you, one from the left, one directly in front of you. They thought...
A while back you cleaned out the Escarpment Gallery. You assumed that the curator's career would be finished, but you were surprised to see his name in the Dayport Society Page. James David Figalil...
You've been hired to steal one small item. A letter. It was a mistake for the author to write it in the first place. It contains names and events that they don't want known by the authorities. Get ...
After Garrett stole Dr. Jebediah Smith's healing potion and discovered a secret in the subdivision, questions about his past began to surface. The Keepers have offered to supply him with some detai...
It's the night after you were the life of the party at AngelWatch, and you've decided to visit one of Karras' honoured guest's homes to see why he's given them these servants. Try to pick up a clue...
You have just finished planting evidence against Lt. Hagen at CityWatch a few days ago.While you were there, you overheard
Lady Rumford file a missing person report conce...
Your job tonight is to help out an old friend. For details, read the letter in your inventory. Sorry to those who don't like long readables. You have to read at least this one.
The Acolyte? I hate that name! Call me what I am! I'm a thief! An uncommon thief, granted, but a thief nonetheless. I steal. That's what I do. Get used to it, I'm not going to change. If it's not n...