I'm not surprised that the Mechanists aren't the saints they claim to be, no one
in the city is. But at least they've done me the favor of recording the
incriminating meeting they had with Sherif...
Viktoria: Don't! The reaction will continue if it finds more organic material.
Garrett: For how long?
Viktoria: It seems that when all the rust gas settles into dust, then it is safe.
I was a kid. No parents, no home...
Running messages and picking pockets to keep my ribs from meeting my spine.
One night I saw a man. Folks just passed him by like he wasn't there.
I thought he...
Keeper 1: This way?
Keeper 2: Look here. Our path is true.
Keeper 1: In here?
Keeper 2: Yes.
Keeper 1: Since you left us, you've been a stone rolling downhill. Now you must aim this remarkabl...
With the Talismans, I'll be able to break the wards on the Cathedral. It's time for me to retrieve "The Eye" and bring it to Constantine.
Last time I was here, "The Eye" was inside, in plain sig...
The Eye that Constantine wants is in the abandoned cathedral of the Hammerites. The cathedral is located in the section of the city that was deserted years ago, after some kind of catastrophe.