"Chasse A L'Homme"
Part II of the " 15 days " series
The story so far...
----------------------------Day II -------------------------------------
Garrett stole and destroyed the testim...
I got wind that one of the most important hammerite compounds of the city, Fort Neustadt, is about to celebrate its 100 anniversary.
Several of the most important nobles of The City have been in...
You are Marius, a tradesman who travells over the wasted lands and sells food, water [ sometimes something more than water ;-) ] and other stuff to people or proxys of other races. Sometimes you ar...
Garrett, tired by many years of thieving, mysterious prophecies and Hammers, decided to retire and settle down at a cosy cottage in some mountain valley. The house, where he's living with his quite...
It's dark, then again it is usually around this time. I have had the sudden urge to go out and find something to do, whatever that may be and wherever that may take me...
It's time to begin...
It seemed to me that relieving Lord Martell of his ill-aquired wealth would be a simple job. Unfortunately, that was my first mistake - never underestimate a man with the reputation of being a butc...
"Vol De Nuit"
The first part of the " 15 days" series
The story so far...
During this cold autumn Garrett must fill his purse to pay his landlord,
and he has found the perfect place for ea...
Luckily everything has settled down now. I am glad that I did not get killed in the process. Just when I think it’s time to settle down as a rich man with a new name...
I never did get a penny of ...
When Garrett regains consciousness, beaten up by L’Arsene’s thugs, he finds out that he is locked up in a dark and stinking cell. He can hear the moans of other prisoners around him.
Raising his e...
Karras is dead. Blinded by fanaticism, he forgot he was human and nothing more. The Builder's chosen one, defeated by a thief. It makes me smile. But Viktoria's plan wasn't perfect. It cost her lif...
To be brief, Garrett broke into the heart of the town of Rocksbourg. But he didn't expect the place to be so vast and well-guarded. Stuck in a real labyrinth, he seeks a way out.
As he searche...
Ganbatte, Thief-san!
You who call yourself Lord of Shadows! The noble spirit
sits restless in a house of stone. Is there a mountain
too high to climb? Is there a riv...
I'm about out of cash again. Sheriff Mosley made sure I got some decent reward money for getting rid of Karras. After she explained to the nobles that they would have all been turned into piles of ...
A while back you cleaned out the Escarpment Gallery. You assumed that the curator's career would be finished, but you were surprised to see his name in the Dayport Society Page. James David Figalil...
My "relationship" with Lord Bafford has always been tenuous at best. Ever since that fateful night so long ago it's ALWAYS been a pleasure of relieve him of his baubles and leave him scratching his...