A warehouse heist that turns into some kind of post-mechanist, undead horror. The first half of this mission is pretty enjoyable, but when things go surreal everything becomes annoying and confusing with unkillable enemies and too many readables on top of that. Feel free to disagree, but this is not really my kind of mission.
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I know what you mean. Sometimes you just want a simple heist mission and that's all. On the other side, it is often the case that you can guess whether the mission contains something mystical or unnatural, directly from mission title. In my humble opinion, this FM is also the case.
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Good mechanists/undead horror mission. Even quite original. For me two biggest issues with this mission were: 1) too obscure and complicated objectives with vault and Amulet (ok, the last one is optional on lower difficulties) and 2) loot objective (loot is too scattered around the level - and it is major flaw of mission).
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