I really thoroughly enjoyed this FM right up until towards the ending, where the difficulty changed
from just fine/challenging to way too hard and tedious. I enjoy working on puzzles, but hate
the hack and slash. So many authors feel the need to put a lot of challenging fighting but it was never
like that in the original thief games. I know for some the fighting is awesome, but for me it's a quit and
watch the ending on a youtube vid.
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I totally agree with this. The end is simply too hard/tedious, and a big difference to the general difficulty of the mission.
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Two things I'd like to add here:
1. Personally, I disagree with this. The ending sections was challenging a lot, sure, but I've enjoyed the change compared to the city section (what can I say, I'm pretty biased towards interesting twists and surprises in missions).
2. Giving maximum scores to a mission with an ending you've found so frustrating you skipped it is a bit odd.
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True, that's why I rated the mission accordingly to my impressions. Unfortunately, because, until the end, I found the mission excellent.
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@chakkman I was referring to the OP's 10/10 scores given to all three categories - but I admit I should have clarify that.
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I understood. I just said that I (emphasis on "I") rated the categories according to my impressions in the review I wrote.
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