I will be honest, after playing through november of 1999, I was very tempted to hit this with 2/10. But the more I think about it, the more unfair that actually is.
This mission is a prison break, that then transitions into a hammerite/undead mission. It's a reverse cragscleft. The hammerite portion feels very barren, without enough rooms to feel like a real place. The undead section on the otherhand, is actually comparitively better, with an attempt at enviromental storytelling. The enviroment itself remains boxy as ever though, and you should be aware that the ghost-novice counts as a human for the "No kill" objective.
It has decent gameplay, boxy enviroments that are low on detail, and really doesn't leave a good impression. It isn't incompetent, and I feel a lot of my distaste for the mission is a combination of fatigue from playing so many sub-par missions already, and a degree of being spoiled by the halloween missions, which were truly spectacular. Still, I would only play this if you are in the mood for something quite janky.
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