I have mentioned before, I don't like city missions, so take what I say here with a pinch of salt.
This mission, is fine. It holds up OK, and is relatively fun. The basic objective is to break into a brothel, and then find one of the people who works there. However, this is complicated by the lack of equipment Garrett has, and the number of guards in the streets.
This includes a bit of clue hunting, and requires you to explore and read in order to understand what needs to be done, it doesn't hold your hand with subobjectives or similar. This can make the mission take significantly longer than you might expect if you don't pick up on the right clues. You need to be somewhat "with it" in order to complete the mission.
One thing I do have to fault the mission on is a crate stacking puzzle near the end. It's designed in such a way that not only does it require you to do sometihng that usually would feel like a bug, it also involves taking a very long walk every time you attempt to solve the puzzle. So you walk back and forth with each attempt.
Brushwork is blocky, but no worse than would be expected for an FM released in 2000.
Stealthy gameplay all but requires the player to find hidden passageways and secrets. Some guards cannot be avoided without them.
All in all, it's nothing to write home about. It's decently fun, challenging, but it's unlikely to impress you.
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