Builders Factory/Facility Water
Sneak past the barriers to explore the mysterious lake that lies beyond...
JackFarmer Misje Mapping & drafts
Amadeus Misje Readables, narration and dialogues editing, gameplay, mechanics and alpha testing, performance
joebarnin (Jeff Eby) Misje Beta testing lead, debugging and debugging reports
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The third entry into JackFarmer's Hidden Hands is another wacky adventure in the steampunk world he's created. This time the player has to find the long lost builder citadel underground, but getting there will be quite an odyssey. Gameplay is mostly focused on light puzzle solving with a lot of steampunk technology, interspersed with humorous c...
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Hidden Hands: The Lost Citadel Konrad | 26 lipca 2020 | Hidden Hands: The Lost Citadel Oficjalna grafika
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Konrad | 26 lipca 2020 | Hidden Hands: The Lost Citadel (2020) TDM FM Oficjalna grafika
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