Escape Factory/Facility Horror Mazes Mines/Man-made Tunnel Novelty/Experimental Phobic (Spiders/Heights) Sci-Fi/Future/Modern/Other Worlds/Space Surreal/Bizarre Undead Warehouse Water
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Someone clearly had a vision, decided to show us it, and then leave without further elaboration. Brainchild is part maze, part keyhunt, both of which are elevated by the level design. The brush and texture work is fairly basic, but there's a lot of attention to detail paid here in other aspects that I feel even the misaligned textures might be ...
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Garrett TMT | 2 września 2022 | Thief: Brainchild (2002) T1 FM
The tunnel Schlock | 31 października 2019 | Thief: Brainchild (2002) T1 FM
Thief FM: Brainchild - Ambience Compilation Aemanyl | 30 grudnia 2024 | Thief: Brainchild (2002) T1 FM A compilation of ambience scenes from Branchild FM by Sperry.
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THIEF FAN-MISSION: Thief: Brainchild | [V0.2][German] Garrett TMT | 2 września 2022 | Thief: Brainchild (2002) T1 FM
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