Sir Taffsalot Misje Author
Bikerdude Misje Co-Author
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I liked the city streets with several upstairs apartments you can clamber up to and loot. This is always a nice touch that makes the City feel lived in and gives the player a reward for exploring.The architecture is unfortunately weirdly oversized, making me and the watchmen seem like little hobbitses walking around a human town.I thoug...
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NOTE: I played this mission on Expert. One of my biggest issues with this map - the incredibly aggressive loot goal - may not be as big of an issue on lower difficulties.There are a lot of things this mission does well: * amount of content (took me ~105 minutes to complete) * attention to detail * variety in environments * rope ...
forum Odpowiedzi: 1 thumbs_up_down Głosy: 2
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