Church Hammerite Jail/Prison Relic/Artifact/Talisman Ruins Undead
You have found yourself in the clutches of the Hammers. (Thanks to the help of Ramirez).You think he may still be alittle sore about the trip to his house. And has seen to it that you w... Czytaj dalej
You have found yourself in the clutches of the Hammers.
(Thanks to the help of Ramirez).You think he may still be alittle sore about
the trip to his house. And has seen to it that you
won't be bothering him anymore. Setting up a local merchant.
He played you into picking his pocket. While counting your loot,
his guards hit you when you won't looking. And deposited your
body at the Hammerite Outpost's doorstep. Like an unwanted baby
being left at the wicked new parents house. But since your here, might as
well make the best if it. Rescue a few artifacts and get out alive.
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