A mission with a fairly solid story concept - although the idea w Garrett being framed comes up many times in many missions from around that era and onwards, as are murder mysteries - here the sprawling mansions in which such stories are usually taking place are replaced by some exteriors/the anatagonists' business premises (and you will choke on what business that is, in the world of Thief), but it falls flat on a very naive design compounded by illogically designed shortcuts, illogical access restrictions, illogically placed areas (such as the main perpetrator's "room") and many other immersion breakers (you COULD for example be rewarded in some way for physically delivering the culprit/the evidence/the missing person to police) including free access to edges of the world without any (soft or hard) barriers in many places, although all that is somewhat common with many missions from that era in general. For thief completists/researchers/historians only as gameplay/mission enjoyment value by now is very limited.
This mission has trains.
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