TDM's first prison break mission remains an absolute delight to play even fifteen years later.
After being captured and relieved of your belongings by the gang of thieves you were sent to investigate, you've got to break out of your cell, get your stuff back, and escape with all your pockets bulging with their loot. Getting out of the cell shows off the Dark Mod's object handling capabilities- remember that this was one of the first ten TDM missions released, at a time when people had basically only ever seen Thief's comparatively primitive grab-and-throw mechanics. Here you can lift, turn, pull, and gently place the loose bricks making up your cell. It was quite the innovation at the time.
After getting out of the cell, it's time to pilfer some treasure and recover your equipment. You initially don't have any equipment, so the first part of the mission is forced ghosting. Knockout-happy players might be a little frustrated at how long takes to get the blackjack, while ghosters will possibly feel the mission is a bit too easy overall even on the hardest difficulty. Personally, I think the balance is pretty much right.
The mission captures the feeling of a dilapidated abandoned castle remarkably well, with crumbled pillars and toppled statues here and there, streaky blue light filtering through boarded-up windows, and various other visual clues that the thieves have turned the place over to make themselves at home.
If there's anything to criticise, it's that most of the three floors of the castle are rather flat, with few opportunities to go climbing. This is a minor quibble though.
Overall this is a classic medium-length mission that is a lot of fun to play and I strongly recommend giving it a go.
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