I've been playing through a lot of older missions recently from 1999 to the the early 2000's.
What I've noticed about that era is that there's usually a lot of ambition, but many fail to make their missions actually fun to play.
So with that In mind I was pleasantly surprised to find a fun burglary mission that's well designed and competent.
The story is:
Lord Bafford's been getting into collecting rare and valuable books, Garrett finds out that one of these rarities are being held at an inn by a merchant wishing to sell it to the Lord. Garrett's job is to break into the Inn and steal it for himself to sell.
Not the most elegant plot, but it works. There are enough in here to give the mission some personality and hearing drunk Benny talking nonsense is always a fun treat.
The lack of ambiance being the only real issue I've got, it feel rather empty without it.
I'd recommend giving "Just For Show" a try, I had fun with it and I think you will too!
NOTE: I recommend playing on expert since this is a short mission.
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