This mission is broken, and apparantly, a DML is needed to finish it.
Well, take my advice, and don't bother.
This level is atrotious. Bear in mind that this is a post Circle of strain mission, people knew by now what dromed could do. Yet, here we have a mission with uneaven floors, awfully designed gameplay, non-sensical everything... The entire thing was built off grid, and no attempt to line things up was made. Ironically, the writing for the mission is actually not completely worthless.
Honestly, after the stinkers I have been playing recently, this just leaves me feeling tired and drained. Don't play this mission. Don't look at this mission. If this mission disappeared tommorow with no trace left, the world would not notice it's passing.
There is a nice vomiting fountain in the front of the mansion though. So that's cool.
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