Now look, I'm all for sewer stuff when it's well designed. This, however, isn't.
The mission starts on the premise that Garrett had to kill a Hammerite for... reasons, I suppose, and dropped the Talisman of Fire in a sewer that's so inaccessible you'll get there in a couple months or so. O... kay, I guess?
Cue a fairly short city section that is half competently-designed, half-passable and half as boxy and eyebrow-raising as myhouse.wad (no, not the recent one, one of the other ones, you know the ones). And yeah, that's a lot of halves.
Fine. When it's not completely baffling it looks okay (the plaza with the pub for example, or the one with the statue, or the townhouse). But the rest is empty and feels odd, at best, or bad, at worst.
Once your primary exploration is done you're railroaded into a sewer system that's ugly, nonsensical, acoustically offensive and quite frankly insufferable. A lot of these areas are copied and pasted, whole rooms, hallways, so it gets a little confusing...
Then there's the trap that's almost impossible to jump over with loot on the other side. The burricks in the worst room of the whole setting. The spiders that sometimes don't even give you enough time to react. The ghost that starts speaking then stops and whistles idly (OK, maybe that one's on NewDark, I don't know and I'm not sure I could care less), the bone that you have to find that's really a skull, the frankly bafflingly useless final section with zombies that get their heads buried in trees like they're forest ostriches.
While the whole thing was off to a good - if unmemorable - start, things go downhill so fast they might as well compete in the Winter Olympics.
Just do yourself a favor and skip this one, really, or stop once you get your water arrows and past the Hammers to find 3 loot items. You'll know when.
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