This mission now remains almost forgotten. But in the past Flakebridge Monastery - along with Alberic's Curse - was the fine representative of RttC-style TDM missions. Recently I revisited Flakebridge and while it's not aged well in some aspects, it still provided me with 1 h 30 min of pleasure.
The setup of Flakebridge Monastery is not very original: Selis Woderose, our alter-ego and seasoned thief, is on his way to eponymous monastery, which is - presumably - abandoned and empty by now. His goal is to "acquire" some valuable books as well as some trinkets and to complete several mandatory and optional tasks.
The monastery is not very huge and also is very easy to navigate thanks to detailed map. It also helps that you quickly get to know monastery by heart and all the keys and mandatory loot items are very easy to find if you pay attention to map and to your surroundings. The enemies are not numerous and you can easily fight or ghost them without much hassle.
As for some nitpicks I would say that some halls and hallways are empty and repetitive while devoid from much challenge. The setup for events that turn Flakebridge Monastery into undead sanctuary also is not original and banal. But overall mission leaves nice impression. The author initially wanted to make series with Selis Woderose but seemingly quickly lost inspiration after short sequel Rake-Off.
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