Following the events of Godbreaker, Conall retreats to Bohn, where he was relatively unknown, in the hopes of easing into a comfortable retirement. Eventually, Conall manages to buy a small antique... Читати далі
Random_Taffer (Rob Strain)
Yandros (Russ Robbins)
Following the events of Godbreaker, Conall retreats to Bohn, where he was relatively unknown, in the hopes of easing into a comfortable retirement. Eventually, Conall manages to buy a small antiques business dealing in rare books and trinkets, as well as a nice, secure home above it. Rare maps also pass through the store, which Conall gladly adds to his collection. However, eventually, the itch to get out and flex his thieving muscles gets the better of him, and he decides to scratch it by going out on the town to get a better feel for the areas beyond his local neighborhood, with the thought of perhaps even setting his sights on the Bohn Museum at some point for one grand, final heist.
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