Polished, original, and challenging from the king of hard missions (there is a separate GORTTUFF difficulty level – you have been warned). Or is it? This mission can be deceptively simple if you approach it that way, and it is easy to walk away from it with just the slightest feeling something is a miss. Was it supposed to be this simple? No, but you have to look deeper to find it. While giving you a break or handing you a challenge, the mission looks good doing it: like Feast of Pilgrims, it is an updated take on Thief 2’s city missions (Ambush!, but it does not suck) – fancier than TDP’s crapsack world, with elegant flourishes and signs of growing prosperity and progress. (It compares nicely to Yandros’ Downtowne Funk from the TDP contest… at least initially.) It has an undeniably strong atmosphere, and while the „hard mode” experience is optional (and fun), it also lets you dip your toes a bit.
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