Is this it's own subgenre of thief FM? Quickly thrown together sillyness aimed at showing off/celebrating a specific band? I ask as this is the second time this has happened. (The previous one being bloodflowers).
Oh right review: It's boxy, poorly made, and mostly just an excuse to listen to some Iron maiden. What did you expect me to say? the entire mission is about 5 minutes long. There is not enough here for me to really write anything of substance.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 1
star 2 / 10
The FM is labeled as demo, but I am not arguing with your review. It's just the property that says this is not a full FM but a demonstration of something.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 1
It's just a nice little demo of someone playing around with DromED. As the author wrote in the readme, no need to take it too seriously.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 1
Ah, I missed the Demo tag. Usually I skip those. my bad.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 1
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