A straight forward, small-time bank heist with a big pay-off.
Despite finishing it quickly, I was pleasantly surprised by a few things the creator decided to add in, especially for a beginner map-maker when this was created. When you're not resisting the urge to batter every passerby's skull in with your newly discovered mace—a reward for the curious player, this map contains some interesting features not seen in others as you skulk about.
Besides a small motel and an armory connected by a street, there's the bank itself, where you'll be sneaking past guards if they're not already obsessed with repeatedly walking into the closed front doors after hearing you land on a battered gate outside.
The top floor, although somewhat sparse, features an antechamber before you cross the upper halls to reach a gallery and safe-room, which contains the rest of your objectives. I liked the custom Mechanist camera up there; haven't seen one that intimidating before. Don't forget to check the office downstairs first for a clue to obtain your coveted ill-begotten gains in the safe-room or you'll be sorry after apologizing to Benny and friends after running past them again!
Overall, very good for a Novice competition and under time constraints.
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