The sequel to "Lord Edmund Entertains!", despite highly enjoyable and immersive readables, was lacking. It's similarly as boxy as the first installment, but at the same time lacks story and interesting gameplay. You go through a bunch of mostly featureless locations with couple of decent exceptions and surprises. It's very linear. With loot which always in front of you.
UPD. I finished the mission on middle difficulty and the impressions about it is above. Now I'm about to try Diabolical.
UPD2. Finished Diabolical and... It's just as underwhelming. Level stays largely the same, but you need to solve a riddle in a nearby tomb. Not that it's not creative. Anyway, if you intend to play it, don't be afraid by the warning and play it on Diabolical right away. This way the mission will have at least something going for it. Even if minor.
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