The sequel to Pearls and Swine follows shortly after the events of that mission, and is now set in a different city district, the protagonists home turf called Brooksdale. This part of Bridgeport is noticeably more ragged and poor, especially in the south where we start our little adventure. We've been tasked to help a childhood friend called Miles, who is now a political big-shot in town but is in trouble. His seat as alderman is being challenged by the local City Watch captain, Edric, and apparently he has a cache of evidence of foul play and corruption against him. Miles needs us to steal that cache, as well as snoop around for something that he can use to decisively turn the tables on Edric. But if Pearls and Swine was any indication, there's a lot more to this mission than the main objective reveals. We are greeted by our small, dinky apartment as we start the mission, and here is a wealth of information about the district of Brooksdale in a book on our desk, as well as the desk of our neighbor, a retired old taffer with an attitude. Our only way out is through our balcony, where we are greeted with a magnificent view of the squalor in this part of town. Below us is a courtyard that is used as a seating area for a seedy pub, where another thief is nursing a bottle of wine, and we see signs of an earlier brawl over a game of cards. The open window down in to the cellar leads us to the good-for-nothing drunk bartender who passed out and is snoring loudly on the floor. I could continue describing each area of the mission in delicious detail, but it really is better to experience it for yourself! In broad strokes, the mission is fantastic! The town feels alive and bustling, the layout reminds me more of a bee hive than a city (in a good way!) and almost every character has a decently fleshed out backstory, with the imagination easily filling in the blanks. The main area to heist is the City Watch building, which while challenging, has many different ways of entry and roundabout ways to avoid detection. The mission will also require us to hit an upscale residence in town which is pretty and slightly less challenging in terms of AI, but more so in term of puzzle solving. In all I think the gameplay hits a nice balance of stealth and wits, and for those players who enjoy exploring areas thoroughly at their own pace this mission is an instant classic! Even if that is not your cup of tea you at least owe it to yourself to check out the billboards across the town that contain a few side missions that are well developed and make the experience just that little bit fuller. This mission is in my opinion one of the best I've played and probably the one that has the highest replay value!
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