This mission by Grayman is a one off effort, which serves mostly as an homage to the deceased TDM-mapper by the name Sir Taffsalot (author of the 3-mission series Vengeance for a Thief). The mission sets the player to infiltrate an upscale manor to steal the sword of the owner. It's a fairly small and simple map that nevertheless keeps the player entertained through the gameplay. Visually the map doesn't stand out very much, as there is a lot of darkness and a pretty repetetive wooden module set is used for almost all interiors. Readables and story are likewise a bit underwhelming and sparse. But all in all as a salute to a fallen brother the mission is certainly a nice touch and it's hard to judge it too harshly on those terms. The gameplay itself warrants a playthrough in my opinion, and for veterans of TDM it has it's own symbolic value.
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