It occurs to me that writing a serious review for this mission is a bit silly, since calling this a mission is a bit of a stretch.
However, it can still be helpful for prospective players to know what this is all about. This is technically the first "mission" release that ERH+ has come with, though he has been working on a few unreleased projects for several years and is a well established figure in the TDM sphere. This mission however is more of a testing ground or sandbox for players and mappers. The player gets to stage fights between teams of the player's choosing in an arena, and can be quite entertaining to watch, or even go down into the arena himself and get immersed in the battle. This part is well designed, if a little bit hard to handle with the custom spawn system. It could serve novice players as a kind of expansion of the tutorial mission that provides combat practice. Personally my playstyle in TDM is to avoid combat at all costs so it does not interest me particularly, but for those who do enjoy combat this could be a useful tool.
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