Joebarnin's second mission has arrived, and this time we get to delve in to the inner workings of the Builders. The map does remind one of his first release "Mission of Mercy", but mostly in the wrong ways. The architecture of the map is simple and straightforward, which makes it easy to read but not so easy on the eyes. Additionally there are many places where you lose your bearings due to several areas looking almost identical. Mostly this is helped by clearly legible door signs, but it leaves a lot to wish for in aesthetics.
Don't let the looks deceive you, however! The story of the mission is excellent, and there are tons of optional side objectives to pursue, for the observant taffer. There is certainly no lack of content in this mission, despite the apparent lack of visual appeal. You will have to take my word for it because I cannot say much without spoiling. Unfortunately, the most enjoyable part of the mission is also it's perhaps most problematic part; it's gruelingly, hair-pullingly hard to find plot-dependent items. Again, in the name of not spoiling I will leave it at that. It's a really good thing joebarnin made a comprehensive, progressive hints section on the TDM forum post, because I would be surprised if anyone could finish this mission on their own without hints, not unlike Mission of Mercy (but this one is far harder). I think that will be my closing remarks, I recommend this mission, as long as you don't let it get on your nerves and just use the hint section when you are stuck.
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