Garrett was approached by a shady fellow called Bok who asked him to help him on a job, fearing said job was too tough. As Garrett looked at the map Bok handed him, the latter knocked our poor thief unconscious. Now, Garrett wakes up in a series of caves without any equipment whatsoever, and with a note besides him, in which Bok mocks him.
The Death of Garrett is a pretty neat mix of cave exploration at the beginning and mansion heist later on, with some other cool elements that are introduced as the player progresses through the mission. The caves are not extremely big; in fact the mission itself is rather small compared to most recent missions, but it is still very pleasant to play. There are several small rocks scattered in the caves that the player can use to kill small enemies, so that you don't have to use your limited supply of broadheads to do the job. After a small trek through the well-made caves that are inhabited by Frogbeasts (a rare enemy I enjoy dealing with) and other spiders, Garrett finally breaks into a manor and more objectives are added while you explore some areas.
The manor is well built with two floors that have a distinct feel, so you always know where you are. Some of the designs are pretty crude-looking but still coherent enough so it's not jarring. Patrols are interesting enough and the mansion has a lot of tiled floor, so Ghost mode is a challenge — it is however, I think, impossible to properly ghost that mission because of the way Frogbeasts are positioned, but I digress — and the corridors are all very well lit, which makes sneaking a bit more tense. Supplies are very low and players will have to be patient to get to certain areas. The side rooms are pretty well made, and there is a clear distinction between staff and maintenance rooms, and more wealthy rooms such as a study or the master bedroom. There are also some really cool bits near the end of the mission. All in all it is classic TDP here. The FM uses some little scripts such as an AI that can turn a light on when you turn it off. The FM also makes use of translucent windows that could also be seen in FMs such as Gathering at the Bar or Trial by Night.
One thing I was disappointed in is that the mission makes very little use of ambient sounds, which would have added an additional layer of immersion. There is the classic Ramirez drone and some other little ambients, but they usually play only in a single room. Some of the readables were pretty strange too, kind of breaking the fourth wall. I was also a tad disappointed in the Lord's treasure near the end, wanting more and finding out I already got it. You will know what I mean when you get there. Still, The Death of Garrett is a neat old TDP mission that still plays well today.
(this review was originally written on TTLG)
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