"Into the Odd" is a devious and at times challenging mission that continually subverts expectations and throws multiple narrative and gameplay-related curveballs at the player.
The opening section is perhaps the most challenging: the player, unarmed and caught in broad daylight, must escape a group of thugs out for Garrett's blood. This is a potentially frustrating situation for many players, though for me a welcome challenge that doesn't last long, given that the initial area is relatively small with only one puzzle to solve.
If you happen to persist, and you should, you'll be treated to one of the most disturbing missions out there. It's not one that should be spoiled, so all I'll say is that the underground sections are a (mostly linear) travail of gradually mounting madness, connected to the aboveground city by a mansion operated by a man not dissimilar to our beloved Constantine of The Dark Project fame. The city itself opens up on your return, and although it's still daylight, you will better equipped to defend yourself.
Story-wise, the mission is rather unique in that the more disturbing elements are basically incidental, not directly related to any of Garrett's goals: there is definitely a sense of "just passing through." I find this fitting with the personality of an essentially mercenary character, who wouldn't go out of his way to mess with greater powers if he could avoid it. Be that as it may, there is remarkable depth to the setting, from the truly otherworldly underground "sanctuary," to the numerous bizarre and creepy details and implied stories of the mansion above. Even the surround city has its share of less-than-wholesome denizens. None of it is really explicated, but in this case one mystery is more compelling than a thousand explanations, and this mission doesn't contain just one mystery.
All told, this is easily one of the more memorable and disturbing missions I've played yet, and is easy to recommend to players who enjoy horror and a bit of a challenge, or who enjoyed Constantine's Mansion (OM "The Sword").
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