A Good Neighbor is Amadeus' first mission release, and a strong one at that! The urban setting of the mission is built in a sort of retro brushwork style which trades visual fidelity with heaps of charm, which is certainly a fair trade. The town area is small but it feels bigger than it is, with several opportunities for exploration. The indoor locations also feel appropriately charming, with a special nod to the underground sections which are top notch. The story isn't super compelling, but it does serve the mission well and will keep the player entertained and interested for the duration of the playthrough. The gameplay meshes well with the location and the story, and can be a bit on the challenging side for beginners, but offers an experienced player with a satisfying dose of taffing. All in all this is an impressive first mission and is well worth recommending to any player! I for one am eagerly awaiting more from this author!
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