Ten Little Taffers starts out strong by being an And Then There Were None pastiche, which is scientifically proven to be the best thing a stealth, adventure or detective game can possibly be. The traditional three difficulty levels are instead replaced by three different stories in the same space and time, which is also very interesting and allows for the reuse of the same (very small) map for multiple kinds of play.
The three characters (Garrett, who as usual has been drawn into circumstances that really do not concern him against his will despite just wanting to steal; A victim desperately trying not to get killed; and finally the murderer himself) play very differently with different goals and tools, but there is nonetheless experience to be gained each time and by the time it comes time to play the murderer the experience is one of flying through the mission knocking heads, which is thoroughly good fun.
The level is very small- a single building on an island cut off by a ravine- but it is absolutely choc full of fun details. My favourite of these is the fact that despite rarely if ever being seen and not being important to the plot, Garrett is very obviously still present in the second and third missions, as valuables around the hotel gradually disappear!
A common criticism is the difficulty (up to impossibility) associated with actually bumping off the guests the way they are killed in the first two missions when it comes time to play the murderer, and indeed this would be a nice addition, though it's certainly possible to theme their deaths appropriately. There are also some minor issues associated with who the murderer is in the other two missions (it is, for instance, possible as Garrett to figure out who the murderer- the one "non-innocent" guest- is very early on, simply by checking which guest you can KO without getting a game over). I've seen criticism also that it hurts the verisimilitude of the mission that the murderer is a different person every time, but I think this is probably a strength of the FM given that one will expect to be playing it three times in quick succession, and so much else is the same.
Beyond this my only real criticism is that the level is a little jankily built- it is possible, for instance, to become trapped at the bottom of the waterfall ravine, and since there is architecture there that LOOKS as if you could get back up, I ended up saving down there and being forced to restart, since I hadn't yet completed all objectives. Additionally, the last objective that you get as the murderer is not necessary to complete- indeed, depending on how you have managed your resources throughout the rest of the mission it may be literally impossible- and this is inexpertly communicated compared to how the base game and most other FMs handle optional objectives. These are minor quibbles, however, and all in all Ten Little Taffers is rip-roariously good fun.
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