This mission is not really interesting. It´s basic and the best can that can be said it is okayish at least, and rather short. But overall it just feels like a cheap copy of Running Interference. The objective to pick up the instructions seems not really necessary, especially considering that you might already have visited the place where the main objectives take place, a small manor. No real challenges, no interesting secrets, a bunch of standard least there isn´t much of unnecessary writings, but the mission doesn´t have much writings anyway.
And yeah, I get it, the aging lame joke about the pagan doll. Hahaha.
Wouldn´t recommend it overall.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: -10
star 1 / 10
You said it's okayish and rated as crap? You seem to see "boring" things and "empty" things all over the place. Again you got 5 dislikes for this strange review.. that seem normal to you? You should be more responsible when rating missions, rating is not joking or playing.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 0
I don´t give a rat´s ass about the downvotes. It´s the same silly thing as on Amazon when someone rates a product with 1 star some paid "down-voters" appear.
If I don´t like a mission, I state it the way I see fit.
And yeah, if there are empty and boring missions, not my fault.
I gave 3 of 10 gameplay points which is okayish, the rest is meh. And yeah, I´m serious about it.
thumb_up thumb_down Votes: 1
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