"The Saint of Redmound" is an old and pretty solid Hammerite heist mission for The Dark Project.
Garrett is tasked with stealing a holy relic from a Hammerite monastery: the skull of a saint. To do so you'll have to sneak through a warehouse into the monastery's basement, and go on a brief excursion into a crypt.
While there are several steps to the mission, making it not entirely straightforward, it is overall rather easy (at least on Hard difficulty, my preferred difficulty for first playthroughs). There are only a few guards in the warehouse and then again in the basement area, and would probably only give much trouble to strict ghosters. The monastery has a fairly open layout with many more guards, but the patrol patterns present little challenge; most of the guards are seemingly in areas where there is no need to visit at all, and for the most part plenty of carpeting in the few areas with marble floors. This part of the mission is mainly a matter of searching the rooms for necessary clues and keys.
The adventure into the crypt is pretty short. It is again a straightforward trip, essentially linear with backtracking and not much of a challenge.
Obtaining your objective is... rather strange. There isn't much of a puzzle to it as it is more or less spelled out, but the key item and what happens when you use it struck me as a bit odd and out of place. Anyway, what follows is a cool, unexpected little area, but containing a seemingly unavoidable dash past (or fight with, depending on how you play) a haunt.
Overall I found "The Saint of Redmound" an enjoyable, even relaxing old mission, though I would have appreciated more of a challenge and for certain areas to be more fleshed out. In any case I look forward to playing the author's later missions.
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