Watery Grave is a short mission that can be completed in under an hour, but is packed with detail and a worthy amount of extra content.
Your main goal is to rob the Mechanists of a certain rumored artifact, with additional goals on higher difficulties. Without much of a story other than some background on what you're stealing, the main appeal of this mission lies elsewhere. It is packed with detail in every corner, with interesting geometry, well-used mainly stock textures, and solid ambient sound, but my favorite aspect is the its verticality. Your main goal with take you below ground into a sort of flooded vault or crypt (giving breath potions some use), but additionally you can give your rope arrows a workout and see what you can climb up to. Only on Expert are you required to do so, but you'll want to anyway to get the most out of the mission. And keep your eyes peeled for non-obvious places to rope up to, for there's at least one nested secret-within-a-secret that I'm glad I found.
While it doesn't cover much horizontal real estate and its objectives are straightforward, "Watery Grave" gives you a very nice vertical slice of city to explore for the short time it lasts.
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