Troubling Transitions may be not the best of TMA AC 2020, but it definitely stands on its own among other entries. It is medium-sized snowy city mission which can be easily compared to Downtowne Funk or Shadow Politics.
Gameplay-wise it is typical representative of "city" subgenre: not big, but sprawling and - even despite its size - confusing a bit, which is one of outcomes of it's openness. It is also very easy - there aren't lots of guards, or any hard traps, not jigsaw puzzles. It is one of rare drowbacks of TT for me. What I like most is its architecture - how open it is, especially in the Mech Cathedral, with its multiple paths and, well, transitions.
The plot is nothing special, just: "go to the another manor/cathedral and steal item", but it's not the plot which is important but the atmosphere. The City is changing after Constantine's defeat, and it is well expressed in dialogues and readables you can find throughout the mission. New order is rising despite some small and isolated attempts to sabotage or halt it. The very social relations between inhabitants of City somewhat change - between Hammerites and Mechs, between nobles and Mechanists, etc.
Overall, it was quite enjoying and interesting experience for me, and solid 8/10.
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